Community Toolbar by Conduit
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These aren't actual fireworks because they don't explode, but the good part is because of that, you can reuse it as many times as you want. Here's a video of them in action: I hope you buy some and 
I found out that changed. So now, you need to use an Adsense or Chitika account to get paid from it. With that done, you will get paid per click (PPC). This means you will get paid even faster than before

Guess what I just realized today. I love writing. Here you can write how to's and get paid to do it - - it's awesome. After writing a few articles, you can start earning about five dollars a day. After you refer a few people you start making about fifty dollars a day.

I finally found my comic book after days of searching, here's the link to the front page of it. Ha ha I know, the graphics suck, but hey I was in third grade. Here's a quote from it, intro:"The first day... I was walking down the street and realized there were very few people around." other content:"Soon people started appearing, but 

Today I got game maker studio to help out YOYO Games while they are figuring out their bugs/glitches. I'm trying to make Zombie Attack into an IOS game. Oh yeah, almost forgot, i'm looking for my comic book i made in 3rd grade.
I'll make another post on that soon, maybe even later today. I hope its as good as I remember, remind me to post 

I haven't posted in a while, so here we go. I hadn't skateboarded in quite some time. Today i finally did again. What I don't like is how many things I forgot how to do. Also, recently I finished working on my Zombie Attack 2, so i sent it to but it turns out, it's a lot harder to get a game accepted to that website than i thought.

I Try to update everything as much as possible. Then again, I'm the only one working on this site here so you've got to cut me some slack. Thank you to every one of you visitors and thanks for reading my blog, that's all for now.

    awesome writing place to make money- here

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    My name is Lukas, I skateboard and go out with my 
    friends pretty often, I like to play and make video games.
    Hope you like my site!


    May 2012
    April 2012
    February 2012


    Arrow Flyer

Community Toolbar by Conduit